
Gladly spending our lives to see the Gospel transform the next generation.
What could happen if a church lived that out? Can you imagine how the people within the walls would be transformed, the people outside the walls would be engaged, and the community at large would benefit?
At Liberty, we want to see that happen in Chelsea.
As our community grows around us, it is our ambition to surround and saturate it with Christ-centered influence. Our desire is to see God multiply leaders in our midst—parents who lead their children spiritually, generations who lead other generations spiritually, and Christian leaders who ultimately go out to lead the church around the world.
Chelsea is a remarkable city, and only 25 years young! It is already one of the best places in America to raise a family. Our church wants to see that be true spiritually as well. We long to see parents own the call to be or become the primary disciple-makers of their kids.
So, what could happen in the next 10 years in Chelsea and at Liberty? Only God knows, but He has given us a glimpse! We could see thousands of individuals surrendered to His call to make disciples wherever they go. We could see our church family expand into numerous locations around Chelsea so that every family can know God's people are nearby to love them, help them, and share the good news with them.
And we could see men and women–young and old–launching from Chelsea to every corner of the world longing to make the love of Jesus known, until the earth is "filled with the knowledge of the Lord's glory, as the water covers the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14). And this is only a glimpse!
Over 175 years ago, people planted this church right here in the heart of Chelsea. Today, we're still here, inviting you to come be a part of what God is doing to reach the next generation. We look forward to seeing you!
Worship Center
Incorporates modern worship arrangements led by our band and vocal team and live preaching.
East Venue
Incorporates modern worship arrangements led by our band and vocal team and the message is simulcast from the worship center.
Worship Center
Incorporates modern worship arrangements led by our band and vocal team and live preaching.